Sunday 21 August 2016

Day 1 - Chandrigarh India - "May the heat be with you"!

You really know you're getting old when you can still recall the excitement of plane travel when seating seemed spacious, service was first class and meals good enough to feature in a top class restaurant !

These days you're just happy to "arrive'" to end the torture of confined spaces, force fed meals and the yuk feeling of not being able to move or sleep for lengthy periods !

All of us (Pete from NZ & Graham from UK / Poland) had to endure 20 + hours to arrive in steaming hot Chandigarh for the beginning of our fabulous Leh adventure.

For self there were a few memorable highlights including a close encounter with a fellow passenger on the Singapore leg that threatened to turn from a Bromance into a marriage proposal as he progressively slid further and further on to me in his sleep while a run in in a confined lift with a squad full of Indian soldiers equipped with semi automatics in Delhi had me wondering whether my insurance policy covered accidental bullet wounds caused by someone forgetting to leave their safety on !

With about an hour's sleep behind me I did what most Aussies would do and headed straight to the micro brewery next door to our hotel catching uo with Kiwi Pete who i'd not seen since our Tibet expedition in 2010 !

With intro's out of the way our small expedition heads towards the Himalayas tomorrow on what will be an arduous 10 hour journey to Reckon Po where we get our first taste of altitude at 2,500 metres and an opportunity to size up our bikes

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