Thursday 15 September 2016

Day 15 - Near Sarchu 4300 metres ! ' Resting" !

After 10 days in the saddle it was a well earned rest day as we luxuriated in our Bedouin tents complete with en suiites )it that is if you called a non working freestanding sink and a toilet that emptied a few yards away from the back of our tents!)

Regardless it was good to have a lie in and indulge in our beautiful surrounds, stark and mountainous terrain with a nearby mini canyon carved by thousands of years of history

As implied the day took in little activity with the boys doing a 2km recon of our camp and nearby canyon before returning for either rest or in Pete's case some hillside meditation !

Strangely both Pete and I had strugglwed overnight with shortness of breath a sure fire altitude symptom that can bring on anxiety attacks as something you take for granted becomes a labored activity !

What was worse though was a member of the 2 man Indian / French group that had joined us since Sissu had come down with classic AS symptoms, disorientation, breathing difficulties etc and after being examined by a nearby Indian army doctor was being evacuated by our team support vehicle back to a lower altitude at Keylong !

Given we were only at 4300 metres I could only suspect that the effort to cross the Baralarcha at 4850 metres had triggered our relevant issues

As for the rest of the day it was do nothing take in the surrounds and enjoy the sun bathed landscape !

The boys go exploring on their rest day ! 

Graham doing a fine Angus Young impression from AC / DC ! 
Pete trying to get a lift back to camp - "It's a rest day" he said"! 

One of the oddly stencilled support vehicles - the Ayatollah and an AK 47 .. what the ..?

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