Thursday 8 September 2016

Day 3 - Kalpa 2250 metres - " Days and Dazed",!

Finally after a TTL of 17 hours driving we arrived at our cycle adventure start point at Kalpa beautifully situated in a valley surrounded by towering mtns.

We'd survived today much better than yesterday courtesy of the fine scenery and the fact that we'd ditched yesterday's vehicle which we found out had a few small problems including failing brakes and loose steering to go with the screeching front end as well as a bulge in the rear tyre !

With a new driver we negotiated the narrow roads at a much faster pace arriving at the landslide area that we crazily almost committed ourselves to the previous evening.

Even in the daylight it was a chewed up muddy mess with narrow sections and a steep drop - Pete reckoned we would most likely reach the bottom with 2 big bounces if we went over the edge !

After passing numerous military barracks no doubt in place to keep those pesky Chinese honest we climbed a steep road to our destination at Kalpa. Upon opening the doors of the car we promptly fell out in unison still dazed by our ordeal !

With no anti freeze available (a popular drink in Poland according to Graham) we settled in for a course of beers taking in the wonderful backdrop of Mt Kinner Kailash while looking forward to finally getting on the bikes tomorrow !

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