Saturday 17 September 2016

Day 18 - Upshi 75 kms - 3500 metres ! " The Big One " !

Over 18,000 feet high (the equivalent of Everest Base Camp) the Tanglang La, one of the highest motorable Mtn passes in the world, was to become our baptism of fire into high altitude cycling !

We'd left our frigid surrounds at Tsukar heading across dirt tracks on to the main road. We took a final mornings Chai before rounding a corner to view our distant Mtn pass complete with 22 kms of painful climbing ahead !

Unlike my last visit in 2013 nearly the entire 22 kms is now sealed but at these breathless altitudes even that was to provide for only a marginal benefit !

Even the sections that appeared flat (an optical illusion!)  had you in bottom gear while attempting to breathe through your ears to combat the altitude and gain every possible oxygen molecule available !

After nearly 3 hours and 3 huge side loops we were all safely at the top, Graham having already consumed a 5 course lunch and Pete not far behind me getting a standing ovation (from those that could) as he bravely crossed the line gasping !

Our new companion Sayied's  (friend of the cyclist who had to return to Manali earlier because of AS issues) effort in particular was amazing. A part time cyclist and boxing coach (a protégée of his was competing in Rio) with limited pre trip training also completed the huge ascent

After taking celebratory pictures resembling a group orgy on top posed beside the Tanglang La sign we headed 5 kms down the other side of the Pass for lunch spread out  in the sun reflecting on our achievement.

The downhill following was one of the most amazing rides you'll find anywhere in the world - 20+ kms on sealed roads with switchback after switchback unfolding directly underneath you - this was as stunning as it gets !

Riding on to Numpste we took an afternoon break catching cyclists doing the reverse route with panniers (nutcases) before taking yet another downhill segment through a land progressively greener and marked with many ancient Tibetan style Gompas !

Finally arriving at our camp site after a hard days graft we opted for the comfort option choosing a nearby guesthouse over camping !

Tonight we celebrate in style, the diesel drums are back and the dining table is stacked with beer !!!

Pete Knackered ! 

Pete Elated ! 

5328 Metres High ! 

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