Friday 9 September 2016

Day 6 - Tabo 3600 metres - 61 kms - " One Down " !

Our guide Geishu was standing on the side of the road beckoning me to stop indicating that he'd been injured impaling his leg on his seat post when his seat had come off when travelling at speed ! Although not seriously hurt he needed attention and it was up to me (that knackered I was nearly in
need of help myself) to push out the last 3 kms of the day to get help from our support crew in Tabo.

We'd started the day with a stomach churning 3km climb straight after breakfast to give us fantastic views of the towering  mountains and bare valley. From the top we blasted our way 15kms back down the mountain on a series of exhilarating switchbacks.

On the valley floor we proceeded mainly on rocky dirt roads to enter the Spiti valley past yet another military Camp in this sensitive area close to the Chinese border.

With the 3 of us well spread out we experienced a true sense of Isolation in this beautiful valley.
The hot sun though was taking affect on all of us with the last 8 kms into Tabo being tough work.

With Geishu rescued by our support team and patched up pending a scheduled tetanus shot further down the line tomorrow, we took in the local sights one of which was the local Monastery. Because of the affects of the days heat none of us were keen on going it until someone mentioned there was a bottle shop next to it - who said we weren't culturally inclined !

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